German Spitz versus Pomeranian
German Spitz versus Pomeranian dogs: Temperament
For most families, both White dogs, the White German Spitz and the Pomeranian white colored dog breed are the same with families, they both need a lot of attention from their families. White German Spitz dog breeds like to swim just as much as White Pomeranian dog breeds so buying a little pool for either your White German Spitz dog either your Pomeranian dog is a pretty good idea to keep them busy.
For more active elderly people, both dogs, both White dogs, the White White German Spitz dog, and the cute White Pomeranian dog breeds are suitable. White White German Spitz dogs need a couple of walks around the park to be healthy just like the Pomeranians. White German Spitz dogs need about as much exercise as white and super cute Pomeranian dog breeds.
For less active elders, none of these dogs are preferred because both dogs are high energy dogs so they are not suitable for less active seniors. Both of these White dog breeds pretty difficult to train.
None of these White dogs get along with other dogs in the family if not trained to in puppyhood. If you train either your White German Spitz either your Pomeranian dog breed the dog will get along with other dogs in the family or any other dogs. Both the White German Spitz dog breed and the White colored Pomeranian dogs are suitable for families with multiple dogs if trained to be in the dog's puppyhood. Both the White dog breeds, the Pomeranian and the White German Spitz dog breed are the same protective. White German Spitz dog breeds developed from White Pomeranian dog breeds so that is why these two dogs are so similar in temperament and in many other things too.
Pomeranian dog vs German Spitz: Lifespan
Well known and White White German Spitz dogs have a life expectancy of about 13 to 15 years, the most common lifespan for medium sized dogs. In comparison, the Pomeranian dogs have the same life span of about 13 to 15 years which is a lot for almost any dog. So, both of the white dogs, the White dog breed called the Pomeranian and the White colored German Spitz.
German Spitz versus Pomeranian dog: Grooming
White German Spitz dog breeds require the same amount of grooming as the White Pomeranian dogs because both of these dogs have a long, puffy and beautiful hair. None of these Loyal White dogs including the White German Spitz dogs and the Pomeranian White dog breeds are not suitable for people with mild pet/dog allergies because nor the White German Spitz nor the Pomeranian dogs have a Hypoallergenic coat which is absolutely allergy proof so if you have pet allergies, both the White German Spitz dog and the Pomeranians are not suitable so if you have mild pet allergies, remember that none of these white dogs are allergie proof. Both of the White dog breeds need to be brushed daily with a brush that is not wooden because wooden brushes may hurt your White Pomeranian dogs or hurt your White German Spitz dog breeds soft and white colored fur. Pomeranian dogs are known as being low shedding dogs so you do not have to clean up as much when the White dog is a low shedding dog. White German Spitz dogs sadly, shed twice a year, which is pretty much more than the Pomeranian dog sheds so if you want a low shedding dog, White German Spitz dog breeds aren't suitable.
Pomeranian dogs vs German Spitz dogs: Size
Difference in weight between the White Pomeranian dog breeds and the White and very very long haired White German Spitz dogs is as follows.
Fluffy and elegant White German Spitz Males and Females can reach a height of about 8 to 10 inches and reach a weight of 21 to 19 pounds on average. White Pomeranian dogs often reach a height of between 8.5 to 11 inches. White and almost perfectly behaved Pomeranian dogs weigh from 3 to 7 lbs. Unlike the Pomeranian dog breed, German spitz White dogs weigh more than Pomeranian dogs. In size, White and fluffy Pomeranian dogs are larger than White German spitz dogs but sometimes, White German spitz dog breeds can be larger than usual which is a pretty rare thing to happen. In weight, White German spitz dog breeds weigh more than the playful Pomeranians.
German Spitz vs White Pomeranian dog: Energy Level
Are White and loyal German Spitz dogs or White and furry Pomeranian dogs suitable as apartment dogs? Non of the White dog breeds are very low exercise required dogs, both these dogs, the German Spitz dog breed and the Pomeranian dog breeds are high energy dogs. Both White dog breeds, the German Spitz and the White fur colored Pomeranian dogs are suitable for apartment living because of they're size and energy level if the dog has a lot of toys to make the dogs energy lower and for the dog to be suitable as an apartment dog. In comparison to the German spitz, The Pomeranian dogs have the same energy level.
White German Spitz vs Pomeranian dog: Skills
The differences between the White German Spitz dogs and the White and very cute Pomeranian white dog breeds is very important. Today, White German Spitz dogs are used as Companion dogs which are dogs that are being loved by their owners. But in the past, White German Spitz dog breeds were not used as Companion dogs instead, they were used as watchdogs who bark loudly to let you know that there is a new visitor waiting at the door. In the past, they were also used as Companion dogs like they are right now.
Today, White Pomeranian dogs are used as lapdogs dog and Companion dogs but their past was way different then it is today. In the past a very long long time ago, White Pomeranian dog breeds used to be herders on farms and White Pomeranians had to herd the sheep by barking and running after sheep or sometimes they had to even herd some cows, but that was rarely. Still even today, White Pomeranian dog breeds have instinct to herd a cow or a sheep from its ancestors. White Pomeranian dogs had to be very smart to be used as herding sheep in the past, White Pomeranians were and are today the top 23 dog by smartness in the world. Very large White Pomeranians may have also been used as sled dogs in the past, so White Pomeranians had to to two jobs in the past, work as sled dogs and herd sheep so White Pomeranians had to have a lot of skills and White Pomeranian had to work very hard too. When White Pomeranian dog breeds were used as herding dogs, White Pomeranians weighed about 50 pounds and they were actually bigger than they are now because they had to be big so either the cows either the sheep noticed them and ran away!
Pomeranian dogs had more skills to do then the White German Spitz because White Pomeranian dogs had to make the sheep or the cows run in the right direction to get back to their field with a wooden fence around the field so the sheep could not escape. The sheep or the cows get out of the field when their owner tells them to. White German Spitz dogs needed to warn their owner that a stranger is coming to your house but it could just be your family outside of the door or it could be a real stranger but that is also important.
German Spitz and Pomeranian dogs both make loving pets
Even though loyal both dogs are as easily trained, both are the same protective fluffy dogs, and are better for more active elderly people, both dogs are better with other dogs when trained from puppyhood, and both dogs, the White German Spitz dog breed and the Pomeranian dogs are as equally trained. Both dogs, the White German Spitz and White Pomeranian dogs are better with older children, and they both make very nice pets. If you want a pet who you can take to vacation, the White German Spitz dog is your only choice between the White German Spitz dog and the Pomeranian dog. White White German Spitz dogs can be taken on vacations anywhere you want because of their nose size. A White Pomeranian dogs have a very small nose so they can not be taken on vacation. If your dog has a small nose, they can easily get sick while flying in a airplane to get on vacation so they cannot be taken on any vacations.
Pomeranian dog informational video
German Spitz dog informational video